
Icecat NV is a global syndicator and producer of standardized product data, based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The enterprise was founded in 2001 and is one of the leaders in its respective niche segment. The company specializes in IT & Electronics, Toys, Health & Beauty, DIY, Fashion, Automotive, and the fast-moving consumer goods sector. The company is also listed on the Dutch NPEX stock exchange.

Icecat provides an all-in-one platform for content and syndication.

The partnership we have established with Icecat provides us access to a structured database of eContent created by over 30,000 brands. This partnership is critical in accessing content as and when it is updated by the manufacturer and adding additional products as they become available. The Icecat product content is accessed by our systems daily and regularly incorporates content updates and new products.

Engaging product content - structured and rich product content that is optimized for e-commerce environments

Product content management - integrated cloud solutions to manage digital assets in a single platform

The Icecat footprint: 33,000 brands, 11,000,000+ products, 100,000+ users, 20+ product categories