Blog posts of '2016' 'March'

Small Business Marketing & Sales Channel Development
In many instances, big business no longer serves the best interests of its customers. However, real advantages built up over the years through leveraging historical value propositions, lower costs, and higher efficiency gave big business time to build distribution barriers that have made it difficult for small businesses to win back market share despite reduced customer satisfaction.
​Small Business and Social Media
Old-school marketing may have been expensive, and the returns on investment were vague, but the concept was simple for everyone to understand. Create an advertisement, publish it, and hope someone engages. However, times have changed, and the marketing of a small business's value proposition to its target customers must also change.
​​Digital Marketing For Small Business
In some form or other, almost every aspect of our daily lives and the products and services we use is transitioning rapidly from "analog" to "digital." The business environment and challenges we face to be successful are therefore also constantly and quickly changing.